

A full listing of the Veterans Scotland membership is contained within the Information Booklet which is available on the Resources page of this website, along with several additional organisations that we work in partnership with.

 Resources and Assistance | Veterans Scotland

They each have their main organisational purpose, however there may be some crossover between functions with several organisations providing information, advice and guidance across a wide spectrum of services within the Veterans Scotland Pillars.


Regimental Associations

We have included a list of various Regimental Associations with links to their association website where available here.

Member Categories

If you are looking for information, advice or guidance on a range of subjects, click on the relevant link below for information on organisations that will be able to assist you further.

Membership of Veterans Scotland

Membership shall be open to any company, trust, unincorporated association, public authority or other organisation, which shares any of the aims and objects of the company and which is approved by the Executive Committee.


A copy of the Guide applying for membership of Veterans Scotland and Application forms are here